Terms of Payment

The payment for your orders is fast, easy and safe.

1.- How can I pay for my order at Garlant.es?

  • Visa or MasterCard

Select Payment with VISA or MasterCard and enter your information in the checkout page. After receiving payment confirmation the order is processed and shipped. Garlant.es payment platform follows the Secure E-Commerce protocol.

  • Bank transfer

Select Payment with bank transfer in the checkout page. Garlant.es automatically sends an e-mail with the bank information necessary to complete the transfer payment.   Once the wire is received, the order is processed and shipped.

  • PayPal 

Select Payment with PayPal in the checkout page and enter your PayPal account information. After receiving payment confirmation, the order will be processed and shipped.

2.- Do I have to enter my shipping information every time I shop at Garlant.es?

No. At Garlant.es you can create an account so your contact information will be stored for future orders.  Your credit card information, however, is not stored for security reasons and must be re-entered for every purchase. 

3.- What is the Secure E-Commerce (SEC) protocol for payment with credit cards?

The Secure E-Commerce protocol is an initiative created by several payment platforms and vendors to ensure the security of credit cards in online transactions. The system verifies the legitimacy of both parties involved in the online transaction and certifies the card holder as the rightful owner of the credit card.

4.- How does the paying process with Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode cards work?

In addition to all the regular card information, the payment platform will ask the user for a personal key or code that will unmistakably identify him or her as the rightful owner. This extra level of security provides a safeguard for our clients and their transactions.

5.- How is the Secure E-Commerce code in my card activated?

If you do not have your Secure E-Commerce code activated for your credit card, you must request it from your bank. This procedure is free, very easy and, in most cases, it can be completed via your bank's web site.

Garlant Four, SL All rights reserved (2013)