
Our objective as a wine and food company always has been, and always will be the elaboration of excellent products, worthy of carrying the name Garlant.

Since our beginnings as a small business, we have dedicated ourselves to making the Vernet Cavas one of the best Cavas in the world. The love of our work and love for our products make them what they are today. It is through our Cavas that we hope to share with you our way of life here in the Mediterranean where if you believe in it, anything is possible.

When you taste Vernet Cavas, our grape selection will tickle your senses, with the exact amount of each variety coming together as an orchestra playing a great symphony.  The aromas reflect the peaceful rest of the wine as it aged in the bottle.  The bubbles erupt in joy playing along the edge of the glass and dancing across your tongue.  So close your eyes and savor a Cava which is fruit of the passion and the experience of its authors.

Garlant Four, SL All rights reserved (2013)